Late April Art Dump

Some quick thumbnail studies I did yesterday.  Fun exercise.  You take a master work, a movie still or a photo, and you make a thumbnail (a small image) of it.  It helps to understand how colors work with eachother.  One thing I picked up after doing this, is that when you think something is blue, it's usually grey.  Anyway, here's five I did yesterday.  The refference is on the left and the thumbnail I did is on the right.  Click on the images to cycle through.  Theres a couple more things below it.  more stuff later.  Enjoy.


"Last Night at Cafe Zulu" 16x12, oil on canvas.

Lady Gaga study from a V magazine photo, Digital

Foot Study, Digital

Unlabeled Spray Bottle, Digital

Unlabeled Spray Bottle, Digital

Art Dump, and a State of the Self

Here are some drawings, paintings and digital stuff, long and short I have worked on the past month.

Spitpaints and Sketches Jan 2014

Some various Sketches I have been doing to start off the new year.  Just read the War of Art by Steven Pressfield.  Great book for any struggling/ lazy artists out there.  I've got a lot of work to do if I want to go pro.


Thread Makers

Here is a painting I'm about half way done with intended for my mom's workshop at the Laguna Playhouse.  The composition is based on an old engraving, and unfortunately I couldn't find any information on who originally made it.  It's my second time ever working on an unprimed canvas.  The process was a lot slower because the paint gets soaked up by the canvas.  You really have to commit to every stroke and use a lot of paint.  I don't think i'll work on an unprimed surface ever again.  It was kind of like painting with wrist weights on.  

Thread Makers, oil on linen

10 Minute Paintings

Hello Blog reader(s)!  It's ya boy Austin!  Lets get right too it.  I started doing this excecise, where if I find myself not drawing, i do pull out the stopwatch located conveniently on my phone, set it for 10 minnutes, and paint something-anything.  Sometimes, I will think of  theme before hand, but other times i will just start painting.  It is a fun way to paint, and is especially good for training your brain to think up ideas on the fly, something I could be better at.  Here is a few from the past 2 days


P.S. My amazing suicide inducingly talented friend ivan  hipped me to this great podcast called THE COLLECTIVE. Give it a listen, if you are an artist and need some direction.  Happy trails!

A collection of 10 minute sketches I did in photoshop

Nine more 10 minute digital paintings