The Cold Hand of Oblivion

     I've been feeling the pull of the art world lately.  The calling is getting louder and louder.  It seems like only a matter of time before i snap, quit my corporate design job, and fully dedicate my life to the visual arts.  It's like the closer i get to death, the louder the voice gets.  My job at the moment is taking up a majority of my time.  I'm thankful for it, and all, but I feel like my talents are being squandered here, and there is someone else who can not only do a better job, but have more fun doing it.  Sooner or later I'm gonna have to take that leap of faith and become a full on artist.  That means drawing, painting and 3D modeling 4 hours a day on a work day, and 8 hours a day on a day off.  It's gotten to the point where I simply cannot take days off anymore unless I absolutely have too.  The time for vacations and rest is over.  I really gotta take control of my life and not let my work dictate who I am.  A person cannot let what they think may be other people's expectations dictate their path in life.  That's where I am, and I feel like I have to act quick before i loose this inner fire forever.  I have heard what my elders have told me.  It does dissipate over time.  The energy you have when your a kid, is temporary.  Life is temporary.  It's easy to forget that or deny it.  I don't care about sleep or personal pleasure anymore, just getting better at painting and drawing.  I need to force some kind of change in my life even if it gets uncomfortable...wish me luck!

1 hour self portrait, photoshop

An image intensive update

Hello there!

Well it's been a whole month since I decided to take a leap into the world of Squarespace.  I haven't made a lot of time to play with the ins and out of it all, but I am impressed with what other people have done with their pages.  I sure would like to figure out how to have image titles on my gallery images I'm sure it is an easy fix.  definitely going to be taking advantage of that 24 hour customer care later on.

Other than that, I am just getting off of my 2 WEEK STAYCATION, and I gotta say I had a WONDERFUL time.  I went to FYF fest with the Cronin siblings, did some kayaking, checked out Jail Weddings over at the Echo Park Rising street festival, I played my Harp in Downtown Laguna Beach, participated in a Viking/Cherokee Wedding at the Sawdust Festival, and am happy to say that my pool game is improving steadily.

Also had the time to make some art.  A quick 90 minute head study and a character concept for what I am calling "The Dactyl Witch".  Obviously its a little early to say where this is going, but I want to take it into a sort of a young Baba Yaga from Castlevania. Check them out below.

Well there it is!  My first true blue personal blog post.  Wowie!  What a rush!  I know this one was brief, and his was more of a "This Happened and then this happened" type of post (with a little art thrown in).  I promise I will go deeper into my emotions and my thoughts next time.  Until then!








90 minnute head, oil on canvas

Dactyl Witch, digital

Dactyl Witch, digital