10 Minute Paintings

Hello Blog reader(s)!  It's ya boy Austin!  Lets get right too it.  I started doing this excecise, where if I find myself not drawing, i do pull out the stopwatch located conveniently on my phone, set it for 10 minnutes, and paint something-anything.  Sometimes, I will think of  theme before hand, but other times i will just start painting.  It is a fun way to paint, and is especially good for training your brain to think up ideas on the fly, something I could be better at.  Here is a few from the past 2 days


P.S. My amazing suicide inducingly talented friend ivan  hipped me to this great podcast called THE COLLECTIVE. Give it a listen, if you are an artist and need some direction.  Happy trails!

A collection of 10 minute sketches I did in photoshop

Nine more 10 minute digital paintings