Anatomy Drawings and Sketches

Here are some Anatomy drawings and sketches I have done over the past week. I'm trying to get back into drawing people, particularly bodybuilders. I have had a chance to really dive into it and just draw for several hours at a time. Here they are! I've got some other stuff in the works, but I will talk about that here on CYBER MONDAY. 

Thumbnail Time

Here are some thumbnails that I colored over the past week.  Just did some simple color overlays, but I think I may take 3 or so and develop them further.  

Mid May Art Dump

Hey all, 

Aus here.   Still alive, and still in Colorado.  Been applying for jobs and experimenting with some new techniques.  Here is some drawings from ol' the sketch drive.  Enjoy!

thumbnail studies after Fredrick Arthur Bridgeman

thumbnail studies after Fredrick Arthur Bridgeman