Just playing around with some brushes with these. Life is kind of crazy right now. Our landlord just gave use 60 days notice to leave our house which we have lived for 22 years. Such is the plight of being a renter. I will have to redouble my efforts to find more work. It seems pointless at times, but i try not to get too down about it, because that doesn't help. I am lucky I even get the work I do, even though it isn't quite enough. It's hard out there for every artist I talk to. Only thing I can do is work harder and keep evolving. I didn't choose this life because i wanted to be comfortable and get plenty of sleep. It's like they say in baseball: In the field, it's all real. The art world is do or die just like anything else. Either you make cool stuff, or you starve, and choosing not to starve is a decision you have to remake with every moment. There is no ultimate reward for doing this. This work itself IS the reward.